EU recovery fund plan hangs in balance on third day of deadlocked summit
EU recovery fund plan hangs in balance on third day of deadlocked summit Reuters | Jul 19, 2020 12:41PM ET By Marine Strauss and Andreas Rinke BRUSSELS (Reuters) - A European Union plan to breathe life into economies throttled by the coronavirus pandemic hung in the balance on Sunday as leaders quarrelled over the level of spending and what strings to attach to it. On the third day of a tense summit in Brussels, the 27 EU states were still seeking a compromise over a 1.8-trillion-euro ($2.06-trillion) package for the bloc's next long-term budget and a recovery fund to haul Europe out of its deepest recession since World War Two. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said an agreement might be beyond reach. Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said a deal was possible but there was still "a way to go", with "frugal" wealthy northern countries pushing for a smaller recovery fund. Most of the proposed 750-billion-euro recovery fund, which is to be raised on capital marke...